Friday, August 16, 2024

Strange rs

 Strange rs

The Prelude:

Special, You Are

Not discounted, but a regular item
denoting physical and intellectual exceptionalism
designed with purpose, an occasion
particular to what is only belonging within you
different and unusual


There once was a boy dressed in black
whose dimples gave in with each grin
who grew to a man for whom I might stand
an honorable and integral human

one to...

one to breathe you in
    like winter, summer, and spring before the fall
one to touch my lips against your skin
one to nibble at your brow
one to kiss your nose and whisper nothing
one to find your tender, your gentile parts
one to caress a work of art

ad libitum

Like a good jazz song
We may not know every note in advance
But there is joy in the beat
Up and down
In and out
Through and through
A melody to create with you

A Lion's Roar

Approaching the Canyon he bellowed
"I Love You!"
but Wind took it
and he could not hear
as Echo followed
'round the bend
landing upon another's ear


it starts slow
like dial up
then speeds up
transmitting messages
via protocol
Hyper text
blame it on the caffeine
still up looking for my IP
team v, at the caravansary
gets complicated, having
education done, at the organization
your domain now hun
name the system
I'll play
like it wasn't just a stroke of dumb luck

We Got This

There is nothing to lose, or win
You are sitting in the heart of God
The love here is infinite
Let yourself relax and be in the moment
Let time lapse, have fun with it
Conversation is its own art
When our two tongues
Become too tied, to speak
Let us breathe Love
Our common language
Left like a map among the stars
We followed
Because no one stopped us


It's always dark here
The way I like it
It's when you shine your brightest
I dream of you knowingly
Even traveling in light-years
I may never reach you
Before thine own energy runneth out
Nevertheless I go willingly
For what is a life without a dream
Happiness without the pursuing
Will you shine brighter
I wonder
Will it be a good match
Blindly I will follow you
Cherish and honor you
Will you be a good man

The Wrights

my heart is heavy, but my spirit is light
for my heart is full and I, a wright
I silence the noise inside my head
reflect on the images, across my eyelids
know that this body is mine to give
one at a time you spoke to me
that was, after you all rushed in
what could I do but bleed for you
uneducated and not heaven sent
that's when Kindness came
to sit upon my sill
smiled so shyly, ever so slyly
I couldn't resist her will
with each flutter and each flip
I responded in jest
much for the encouragement
this was my dream, an' I
a responsibility to realize it


Even on the best of days
when no one else can tell
the ache of eternal suffering
sits dormant, waiting in it's cell
when it comes, it often goes
at times it's mine, at times it's yours
but every time it needs my love
and every time it needs a hug
Even on the best of days
when everything is fine
flying high and laughing long
absorbed by the sky
finding joy in all the things
reminders I'm alive, yet
there it sits, silently
a sentencing for life


Like New Horizons
We fly by dwarfs
The small minded
We cooper belts here
Repair lost boys
For the long trek
A space crafted
Full of instruments
Applied physics
We made it to the Sky
Where, Olaf red
Preserved and frozen
Our birth, our death

A Surviving Mark

Somewhere in
A time and space
Stardust scattered
To find its place
A home less
A resting trace

Will you...

Marry me?

Make like Love
A couple
Babies too
Just me and you;
Enter in
Our prelude

The Chase:

I want to write today
I want to be in my flow
Not against my current (DC)
Within reason constantly shifting
A balancing act consistently (AC)
I am electricity
Like lightning, not pulling
I'll travel down the string
Wrapped tightly in hand
Like a theory sung out loud
On a windy day
I will thunder
You will see more
You will go further
You will create new ways
To describe days without me
Black out, Brown out, Power failure
You will wonder what
You ever did without me
A bastard child of Zeus
Or a mold of Jupiter
A Great Red Spot
Ripping the air apart
Try and get around me
With the biggest seams
No rings, but stripes and swirls
Twirls and raging girls
Romans winning
Each other over with pearls
Still fishing, Santiago
The sea is not dead
You will find yourself buoyant
Though the salt may sting
Your wounds will heal
Sterilely, a fire cleanse
From which you arise
Dreaming of all that could be
High like a kite
Dancing among the clouds
Charged and crashing into you
Satellites, Observers from another time
The Fringe is where we cuff it, right?

SN 1987, A
A girl fell in love with a boy
He did not know her, nor she him
But something in the stars had told
Of their coming together, an omen
Nebulous perhaps, to begin
The girl followed her heart, she wrote him
She wrote and wrote, without fail
For to know, she must confess
The longing within her, the tenderness
Never letting doubt dissuade
Never letting it creep in
This was her dream, in which she had awaken
Like, "The Dawn of a New Era… three decades ago"
She too had burst, flinging star dust
Out into the universe, carrying hope
Her light, power blazing
Brighter than a hundred million suns
He could not unsee her
Though time lapsed, while space expanded
A ring formed, enriched by the elements
Components of a life well lived
Beyond this is not X-ray vision
To see inside the box, one must be diligent
Embrace the waves of each passing region
Believe the cat will be there next season
As Spring will come again
So too will new reasons
For this universe to form
Accompanying thy love,
there is no greater meaning

Ceiling Artisan

Match maker
Match maker
Make me a Match
Wood pulp, dried grass
Steel abs, stone ass
Potassium chlorate in Pyrex
Glue, red phosphorus up next
Oh let's not react
Keeping our distance leaves us in tact
Rose colored goggles can't protect you from that
Well, then..
Find me a find
Catch me a catch, of my own
MIT grad
Scratch that
Holden out
Gotta catch me in the rye
Making bread
Drinking whiskey all night
With plans to see through
At morning's first light
Sunrise, Sunset
Some broken glass
And we are both upset
Can't forget what was said
Can't forgive what we've done
There is no getting back
What was lost or the ways things could have been
Playing the strings of my heart
Light footed as you dance above
A jester,
Beckoning for me,
Or so I thought
A fiddler,
Come to tinker,
Come to tango,
Comin' in step to my melody
Something sweet,
Something sultry,
Got foul, like poultry
Flew the coup
It's an insult to me
Where's the loyalty
Always escaping, me
Caught light, put out
Smoked, screened
Stood out, side lined
Worried about myself
No more T or A just ME
Laying down the roof
Looking up
Waiting for a sign
Created up above

The New World

After the K-Pg event
The world was anything but silent
While it rebuilt itself around me
New formations of land rose and fell
Beloved dinosaurs standing no longer
Stuck in tar, unable to feed any more
I felt great loss all around me
Yet it was here I saw for the first time
The birds developed before my eyes
I heard their first chirps
Observing as they leapt
My breath caught in my chest
Upon their first soaring
The sky was blue and blood red
The fires had not yet calmed
Volcanic debris constantly scattering
Lava rocks began forming
It was an untamed land
Not yet ready for farming
We were still scavengers
Picking at scraps, the life
Left in the corpses
Where we found our sustenance
In what had been left behind
Not yet devoured
By the gaping hole
The broken earth
The unsteady ground
We walked on
It only felt as if the world had ended
But proof lay all around us
New creatures evolved from the ashes
New plant life
New ways for breathing, to take place
In a world no smaller
And blooming with ever more might
Resilience and strength
Our genetic lifelines
Passed down throughout time
Conveying the messages
We still need to survive


In a place that has not been
At a time that does not exist
I kissed you once
I felt your skin upon my skin
It could not be mistaken
The energy that passed between
Forever changed in direction
A depolarization, only to be returned
Upon awakening
In this world, not yet observed
What is possible seems endless
My imagination run amuck
Making quite a mess of it
Of which I care not
I swim in the seas of no regret
I blow like the wind through the trees
I rustle the leaves
I sing, from the mountain top
And upon my knees
Knowing only the need
The craving, the desperate plead
It is here I planted the seed
I saluted the sun
Prayed to the heavens above
Not to be denied this one love
But it was only upon the horizon
I was to see, a holograph of what could be
Information collected
Having been only from my perspective
Would never be enough to create certainty
Like entropy, my memory
I began to question this reality
The one in which we kissed
But having already planted my seed
I found it impossible to leave
My love was now rooted deep
In this soil, fertile or not
It was the one worthy of the reap
My light having gathered here
In the darkness, I felt no fear
Having traveled so far to get so near
On the edge of the unknown
I found rest, a willingness to let go
Knowing the future is a place not yet been
Relative to a time not yet known


As I woke up
from what may have been a dream
I saw your face before me
unable to make out the details
I felt your warmth
your presence from within
squinting into the darkness
adjusting to the light
I reached out for you
my grasp not catching
and into the fog you faded
I ran making helicopter motions
with my arms swinging desperately
I could not take flight without you
you were within me and yet lost
somewhere out there in the mist
too cold for breading grounds
but they say the birds call this the south
winter is not new to me, oft' caught out of season
staying too long, giving every reason
I knew you before this year, this time and space
I woke up one day and saw your face
I was scarlet draped in hair
you stood there, not giving a damn
a high hill to climb, the strong will
good things come in good time
and I knew from that very moment
from which I awoke, that you were mine
the beat of your heart, the breath in your lungs
the chromosomes which could only have come
from having been within me
always there, your presence, your light
you are the eternal warmth
with which I awake, from each night


When I said I loved you
I meant, with you I felt safe
When you wrote this upon my leg
The word, 'Safe'
I thought to myself
What a beautiful world we now live in
One in which we both found haven
After such a treacherous road
We'd both crossed
Finding ourselves unbroken
Two whole people
Ready to face the world again
Wrapped in new love, open and willing
I'll never know what happened
Not to that day
Or that moment in time
I could not capture
I could not keep
What I was so certain then was mine
The tenderness of so many memories
Only to be lost with time
As safety became an illusion
Our words sharp as knives
This world we had created
Now broken, living separate lives
I do not remember
What other words you had written
Nor do I recall all that's been said
But I know what we had found
Was overridden
On another timeline, with a new sound
When I said I loved you
I had meant it, a thing I cannot regret
But the virus that tore through our system
Nearly left me for dead

I Find My Heart

I find my heart
both breaks and rebuilds
itself in fractals
Shattering in perfect order
Along paths
that needed redistributing
As the shapes shift
Along with the size
Of each load-baring wall
A new dome is created
Where light is let in
Not hiding the cracks
But exposing the mortar
I am littered with
Mosaic temples and Girih shrines
Covered in universal geometric designs
Speaking to me, reaching out
Through the fabric of time
A reminder of my fate
Being part of a larger paradigm
One which I am not meant to see
From a distance, but more intimately
To know the structure
To care for it tenderly
To seal the surface
After each seismic refraction
Lay temple to pray in
Keep sanctity
Where ripples dance
In a Fibonacci romance
Where the sum of two
Is always greater than
That which preceded it

Hoo Hoo

On my frequent walks
Through the neighborhoods
Around town
I often hear an owl
Though I can not see it
I search among the trees
Knowing it is there
It's figure hidden
In the leaves, and
It reminds me of you
Like the sun and the moon
Sharing the same sky
Playing different roles
But ever present
One not always within the other's sight
But whose arrival is guaranteed
Forgiven for not always returning
At the same time
Like waves being pulled in
And out with the tide
By a celestial guide
There is rhythm in each motion
A count, a lullaby
A beat to build on
Set tempo to
The foundation of a song
Hoo Hoo
Even the birds sing to
Miles from the shore
A melody carried in the wind
The rushing roar of the ocean
Never really ending
But ebbing and flowing
Rising and falling
The cycle of precipitation
Caught in the atmosphere
A silly little bird
Having fun as the clouds draw near
Finding cover in that which is rooted
To the ground
But still reaches out
To the same sun and moon
Replenished by the same rain
Falling down
Coming from some far off coast
Having nothing better to do
Than dance along with the music
Nature's sounds
Taking lead as the Earth continues
to make its rounds

There is a Future

There is a future
That awaits us
A time and place
Specially for us
I hear the voices
Laughter surrounds us
Warmth from within
Settled but flying high
Storm clouds don’t scare us
Lightening excites us
Harnessed, projected
Catalyst of our forefront

There is a future
Not so mysterious
For I have seen it
I've felt its presence
I'm here to tell you
Not to fear it
Keep moving forward
Don't be hesitant
Made especially for you
Every moment
And through the tears, you will see
A peak protruding
A place to climb
You'll see this future
Is sublime

Yes, in this future
There will be struggle
There will be hard times
We cannot always rise
But come each day's end
We'll be the best of friends
Harvesting our growth
Turning each bend
Finding each other
Time and again
Shooting at starlight
Destinations ahead

There is a future
Might be Red
On a distant planet
On terraformed land
Where there is always something
To discover
Walking hand in hand

For us, eternally blessed

Under the sun we stood
Able bodied
Dutiful to our land
The world that had been created
For us, eternally blessed
Not righteous, but not less
A daily practice
At being our best
Cultivating harmony
In abundance
And for the many
The love between us
Bright and binding
Carried on the wings of angels
Deployed with perfect timing
It was with you I discovered
The greater significance

Under the sun we leapt
Joyful bodies
Delighted in our land
The world that we had created
For us, eternally blessed
Not cautious, but not less
A calculated decision
The sum of our best
Courting symphony
An orchestra
Played for the many
The love between us
Complex and variety
Carried on the wings of angels
Deployed with perfect timing
It was with you I discovered
The greater consonance

Under the sun we laid
Breathing bodies
On gracious land
A world evolving, still
For us, eternally blessed
Not ambitious, but not less
A worthy goal
Brought to fruition
A choreographed synchrony
Having maintained balance
Among the many
With love between us
A crescendo in tempo
Carried on the wings of angels
Deployed with perfect timing
It was with you I discovered
The greater purpose

Love is meant to be experienced. May I never stop loving. May I never stop searching for new ways to love, express love, and embrace love. May I continue to fall in love, fall for love, fall up/on love.

Note from the Author.


Barbra E. Bond

Strange rs

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