Wednesday, October 2, 2024

An American's Dream

falling asleep has never been too much of an issue for me
but waking up I often seem stuck
and still dreaming
most night's sleep is riddled with chaos, serpents, and bad deeds
I am often not in my own body
even upon awakening
I am caught in the turbulent emotions that they leave
every once in a while, though, a true love visits me
staying just long enough that I awake happy, complete, and at ease
it's an amazing feeling
lingering ever so lightly
I've heard that dreams are a form of neurological processing
helping us deal with our stress and life experience
this makes me feel fortunate
knowing every bit of my body
is constantly working to help ensure that I am the best version of me
even while I am sleeping
though perhaps at times disappointing to see
it gives me more than hope
knowing my foundation has been laid with these mechanisms
I am encouraged to continue growing
we often talk about manifestation
our forefathers built this land based on just a notion
a dream
at times a nightmare
but with ideals that continue to stand for over 200 years, unwavering
not everything discussed at the constitutional convention came to pass
some good ideas were tossed out
and some less meaningful found their way in
like dreams converging or a brainstorm
the firing of neurons
surging from various sensory inputs
at times overwhelming
fighting amongst themselves for space
for useful thoughts
on how to deal with the external stresses and personal life experiences of their time
the final draft was nothing short of exceptional
a labor of love, for country and man
a pathway preserved to the American Dream
that we are all living in
at times it is not so sweet
many of us lack picket fencing
but the freedoms guaranteed are as ever much needed
mechanisms were created that enable the document to keep breathing
a light lingering that provides a sense of security
staving off chaos, and educating against bad deeds
the thing about freedom is:
we are all responsible for our communities
who you choose to become
and each choice that you make
carrying with it repercussions
like waves on the sand, or pebbles skipping across the lake
there are ripples left
and no one but you can ensure their structure and beauty
perhaps one of the most important amendments was that in regards to our voting
a way to raise our hand, use our voice
free our speech from our chest and cast out more ideas
on what should be law-abiding
this great power came with a great responsibility:
to know what the fuck it is that is getting talked about
knowing your own needs is most important,
understanding other's is no less
with each swing of the pendulum, we find ourselves closer to division
our education must be rounded out, we must think outside our box
with or without fencing this is our home, our house
our neighbors, our self
myself unable to control the needs of internal nightly suffering
I try to spend my days in a more controlled state of dreaming
lighting fires to carry hope into each evening
creating totems for myself
so when I awake I know this is the dream I am creating
a beacon for others who might need the encouraging
a reminder that our life is of our own making

An American's Dream

  falling asleep has never been too much of an issue for me but waking up I often seem stuck and still dreaming most night's sle...